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"Turn Left Up Ahead"

Writer's picture: foreveryseasunforeveryseasun

My experiences have never been coincidental, and I know this for a fact. Timing in life is everything, running late is for a reason, getting stuck in traffic could save you potentially, etc. Well, one night I was in bed, not exactly relaxing as most would do when they finally lay down. Instead, I was thinking, and thinking about quite a lot - surprise, surprise. I closed my eyes, and began praying to God. Before I begin, I want to first say that a relationship with God is the most important relationship in my eyes. Sure, I love having a relationship with my parents, sisters, grandparents, friends, lovers, etc.. but only God truly knows my heart, my mind, my soul. That is a connection that not many can say they have with me. I closed my eyes, and began to breathe, I did the sign of the cross, and started to speak. There is no right or wrong way to talk to God, I don't think. Speak with respect obviously, but go with the flow, and let it all out. I started talking to God about my life currently, what I struggle with, what I am confused about, asking questions about if I am on the right track. I asked God if He could guide me on his path, because He knows best. I said I love You, and finished my prayer.

The next morning, I went on with my day, ran a few errands and enjoyed time with my family. The weather could not have been any more perfect. Sunny, 75, light breeze. I was driving home around 5pm a street away from my house. I noticed the car in front of me had a license plate that read “PROVBS3” and if you know me, I searched that Proverb when I got home. The car also had a “Vegas Strong” sticker, but most cars in Las Vegas do, due to the tragic event that happened on October 1st.

I got home, and searched Proverb 3, and this was stated..

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Do I believe that He is talking to me through objects, signs, people? Yes, I truly do. I believe God wants to have a connection and relationship with all of His children. As long as you're willing to open your eyes. After reading that Proverb, I said thank You. He really did listen to what I was praying about. Had I been somewhere else on the road, or been a minute or so behind, I would have never seen that car.

Fast forward to when I spoke to people about my sign. I was told “maybe you should have followed that car, and seen where it would take you.” Ok, that’s bit crazy and would freak out the person driving the car, but I did know that the car was driving toward my neighborhood and made a right before it. That thought stuck with me for a bit, but I did not think much of it.

The next day I went to spend time with family that was in town, and they wanted to look at model homes. We were planning on looking at homes on one street, but they were closed, so we ended up finding a random sign that said “turn left up ahead” so we did. These homes were right outside a community that I know of, and we walked in and were greeted instantly from a gentleman in the building. I instantly, and I mean, instantly got the chills. He shook their hand, and then mine and we all introduced ourselves. After he shook my hand, I noticed his wrist, and he had on a Vegas Strong bracelet. Now I get back to thinking of what I was told “maybe you should have followed the car.” Remember when I said I saw “Vegas Strong” also on the car? Well, maybe I did follow it correctly, unintentionally, but perfectly to the right spot. Is God trying to lead me into telling me that my path is to buy a house? Who knows, I just know that when I saw that car, and when I saw that bracelet, I received chills up and down my arms.

Maybe it is not to buy a house. Maybe it is. Maybe it is something more. Maybe I am receiving clues. Maybe it was who I was with when I saw it. Maybe it is who I thought about when I saw it. Whatever the case may be, this sign connected me with God, and I knew He was watching, listening, and knowing I would feel this way about this encounter.

Everyones encounter or relationship with God is different. It is all primarily based on what you feel when you think of Him. What do you do that makes you have a connection with Him? Talk. He is always listening, and will always answer.. just open your eyes and heart.

This post is not to force you to believe anything, these are always my encounters and they mean something to me. I share them with you, because sometimes God speaks to YOU through others. So, if this is the sign you’ve been needing, I will be happy to know I helped.



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